Flame -The Latest Cyber Attack
Flame is a highly sophisticated, malicious program that is
actively being used as a cyber weapon to target entities in several countries.
Discovered by Kaspersky Lab’s experts – during an
investigation that was prompted by the International Telecommunication Union
(ITU) – Flame is designed to carry out cyber espionage. It can steal valuable
information – including but not limited to computer display contents,
information about targeted systems, stored files, contact data and even audio
conversations. Its complexity and functionality exceed those of all other known
cyber weapons.
Flame is the largest cyber weapon discovered to date – and
it was designed in a way that made it nearly impossible to track down. Whereas
conventional malware is built to be small and hidden, Flame’s sheer size
allowed it to remain undiscovered. Flame infects computers by using
sophisticated techniques that were previously used by only one cyber weapon:
Stuxnet. Although it appears that Flame has been operational since March 2010,
no security software had discovered it... until Kaspersky Lab.
Flame is a sophisticated attack toolkit, which is a lot more
complex than Duqu. It is a backdoor, a Trojan, and it has worm-like features,
allowing it to replicate in a local network and on removable media if it is
commanded so by its master.
The initial point of entry of Flame is unknown - we suspect
it is deployed through targeted attacks; however, we haven’t seen the original
vector of how it spreads. We have some suspicions about possible use of the
MS10-033 vulnerability, but we cannot confirm this now.
Once a system is infected, Flame begins a complex set of
operations, including sniffing the network traffic, taking screenshots,
recording audio conversations, intercepting the keyboard, and so on. All this
data is available to the operators through the link to Flame’s
command-and-control servers.
Later, the operators can choose to upload further modules,
which expand Flame’s functionality. There are about 20 modules in total and the
purpose of most of them is still being investigated.
How sophisticated is Flame?
First of all, Flame is a huge package of modules comprising
almost 20 MB in size when fully deployed. Because of this, it is an extremely
difficult piece of malware to analyze. The reason why Flame is so big is
because it includes many different libraries, such as for compression (zlib,
libbz2, ppmd) and database manipulation (sqlite3), together with a Lua virtual
Lua is a scripting (programming) language, which can very
easily be extended and interfaced with C code. Many parts of Flame have high
order logic written in Lua - with effective attack subroutines and libraries
compiled from C++.
The effective Lua code part is rather small compared to the
overall code. Our estimation of development ‘cost’ in Lua is over 3000 lines of
code, which for an average developer should take about a month to create and
Also, there are internally used local databases with nested
SQL queries, multiple methods of encryption, various compression algorithms,
usage of Windows Management Instrumentation scripting, batch scripting and
Running and debugging the malware is also not trivial as
it’s not a conventional executable application, but several DLL files that are
loaded on system boot.
Overall, we can say Flame is one of the most complex threats
ever discovered.
How is this different to or more sophisticated than any
other backdoor Trojan? Does it do specific things that are new?
First of all, usage of Lua in malware is uncommon. The same
goes for the rather large size of this attack toolkit. Generally, modern
malware is small and written in really compact programming languages, which
make it easy to hide. The practice of concealment through large amounts of code
is one of the specific new features in Flame.
The recording of audio data from the internal microphone is
also rather new. Of course, other malware exists which can record audio, but
key here is Flame’s completeness - the ability to steal data in so many
different ways.
Another curious feature of Flame is its use of Bluetooth
devices. When Bluetooth is available and the corresponding option is turned on
in the configuration block, it collects information about discoverable devices
near the infected machine. Depending on the configuration, it can also turn the
infected machine into a beacon, and make it discoverable via Bluetooth and
provide general information about the malware status encoded in the device
What are the notable info-stealing features of Flame?
Although we are still analyzing the different modules, Flame
appears to be able to record audio via the microphone, if one is present. It
stores recorded audio in compressed format, which it does through the use of a
public-source library.
Recorded data is sent to the C&C through a covert SSL
channel, on a regular schedule. We are still analyzing this; more information
will be available on our website soon.
The malware has the ability to regularly take screenshots;
what’s more, it takes screenshots when certain “interesting” applications are
run, for instance, IM’s. Screenshots are stored in compressed format and are
regularly sent to the C&C server - just like the audio recordings.
We are still analyzing this component and will post more
information when it becomes available.
When was Flame created?
The creators of Flame specially changed the dates of
creation of the files in order that any investigators couldn't establish the
truth re time of creation. The files are dated 1992, 1994, 1995 and so on, but
it’s clear that these are false dates.
We consider that in the main the Flame project was created
no earlier than in 2010, but is still undergoing active development to date.
Its creators are constantly introducing changes into different modules, while
continuing to use the same architecture and file names. A number of modules
were either created of changed in 2011 and 2012.
According to our own data, we see use of Flame in August
2010. What’s more, based on collateral data, we can be sure that Flame was out
in the wild as early as in February to March 2010. It’s possible that before
then there existed earlier version, but we don’t have data to confirm this;
however, the likelihood is extremely high.
Why is it called Flame? What is the origin of its name?
The Flame malware is a large attack toolkit made up of
multiple modules. One of the main modules was named Flame - it’s the module
responsible for attacking and infecting additional machines.
Is this a nation-state sponsored attack or is it being
carried out by another group such as cyber criminals or hacktivisits?
Currently there are three known classes of players who
develop malware and spyware: hacktivists, cybercriminals and nation states.
Flame is not designed to steal money from bank accounts. It is also different
from rather simple hack tools and malware used by the hacktivists. So by
excluding cybercriminals and hacktivists, we come to conclusion that it most
likely belongs to the third group. In addition, the geography of the targets
(certain states are in the Middle East) and also the complexity of the threat
leaves no doubt about it being a nation state that sponsored the research that
went into it.
Who is responsible?
There is no information in the code or otherwise that can
tie Flame to any specific nation state. So, just like with Stuxnet and Duqu,
its authors remain unknown.
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